Wednesday, April 20, 2011


    In the digital age of technology ideas spread like wildfire.  With the use of constant web connectivity, almost limitless information can be gathered.  Along with this information includes artistic forms of expression such as music and artwork.  Many copyright laws apply to forms of artistic expression and according to the government copyrights were created to keep the free market economy moving and inspire innovation.  Copyright laws were never intended for someone to be set for life financially after writing a single song or creating something.  With this in mind, copy right laws state the owner of a copyright gets those loyalties up until 70 years after their death.  I feel like in current society copyright laws are necessary for artists and inventors to make money.  However, due to the rate in which our society as a whole and as individuals process information, copyright laws should be shortened after death.  The government created copyright laws to inspire innovation and prevent inventors from becoming lazy and only living off of one thing.  Our countries forefathers would be upset to see grandchildren living off of legacies of one hit wonder bands.  In other words, copyright laws are just too long and need to be adjusted to the digital age.  These laws were implicated to ensure success of an overall market/economy and not just so we can sue each other for developing similar ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Casey -- what is the "digital age of technology" besides a bit redundant? And what does the availability of information have to do with copyright? Be careful about writing phrases that sound nice but don't add to the argument. (Also, BTW, it's ROYALTIES, not loyalties.)
