Monday, February 28, 2011

Secret Sadism

     The article "Stars and Sewers" brings up an important topic regaurding media today.  Morec specifically internet media.  This article uses the example of what happened to reporter Lara Logan to illustrate the darker side of the internet.  This reporter was mobbed and sexually assaulted in Cairo, Egypt.  After this horrible traumatic incident, users online had alot to say.
   Instead of being met with sympathy she experienced some hateful feedback.  Many anonymous users were saying she deserved it and even went as far to say they would have done the same thing to her.  This has a lot to do with anonymity.  When no one knows who you are, it's easy to say anything.  Whoever these people are they are hurtful but also probably hurt themselves because they obviously have issues going on.
     One of the negative effects of being unseen is seeing how cruel people actually can be.  On the same note the internet facilitates yhis behavior and theres not much one can do about it.  The most unfortunate aspect is that people who flame ruin posts and forums for users actually trying to have a discussion.
     Although there are negatives theres also benefits.  One benefit of it is that you can be whoever you want to be, or even yourself in ideal form.  This is fgood because it helps facilitate communication snd interaction.
     All in all anonymity in CMC is a double edged sword.  Anonymity has good aspects and bad.  However one things for sure is the internet has always been that way.  In a way, they go hand in hand and for that matter that's part of what makes the internet what it is today.

1 comment:

  1. Casey -- keep trying to stuff your posts with vocabulary and concepts from lecture and the text...multiphrenia, diruption, provacateurs, etc. Also, it's a lot. Not alot. There are other interesting spellings here but those I'll chalk up to your injury...alot though? Never!
